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Halfway there!



It’s me.

Heh, I couldn’t help it.  A song I was really digging at first has now, like all new songs, gotten overplayed on all the radio stations and I’m kind of sick of it!

How was your holiday?  We traveled to PA for Christmas this year, and it was a good trip, and it was also 70 degrees on Christmas?!  What in the hell…?!


So I’m now over 20 weeks pregnant, and officially halfway there!  That seems so crazy!  The past five months have flown by!

I’m not necessarily planning on doing weekly updates here (obviously- clearly I haven’t started that from the get go), but I did want to document the halfway mark of my pregnancy and do a little update, similar to some I have followed like Sarah’s and Julie’s.

Baby Update

Baby (or M&M as we’re calling him or her) is the size of a banana!  Or, an endive!  Supposedly M&M is 10 inches and about 10.6 oz.

Weight Gain

At my 18 week Doctor’s appt., I had gained six pounds.  Two and a half weeks later and with the holidays, my home scale says I’m up a total of ten pounds.  So I’d say somewhere in the middle there.


I’ve been continuing to workout throughout my pregnancy.  I’ve cut back on running a bit, mostly because of the cold weather and Daylight Savings and the fact that it’s so damn dark when I get home, and pretty dark and cold first thing.  I’ve been continuing with some cardio, but more sticking to strength training, and started taking a prenatal yoga class.  Where pre-pregnancy I worked out 5-6 days a week, now I’m doing about 4-5.

Pregnancy Eats

Thanks to the holidays and treats all over everywhere, my snacking hasn’t been very healthy.  My meals have been pretty good, but lots of cookies, and treats, and candy mixed in there.  I also don’t feel like I’ve been getting enough fruits and veggies the past couple of weeks, but a lot of that is due to travel, and the holidays, and laziness before the holidays.  I’ve turned over a new leaf this week, and getting back on track with clean eating (for the most part), but still allowing for some treats, because who am I to deny M&M a little treat?

I’ve been really fortunate in that I haven’t really had any food aversions, not since just a couple in the first trimester when there was a period of a couple weeks where I was wanting all things white, and carby!  Rice pilaf and macaroni and bread and saltines were go-to’s.  I wasn’t feeling chicken for a stint there, or fish, really any meat for a couple weeks, but everything is back to normal now.  I did have a little morning sickness, but was lucky- never yacked, and it really only lasted six weeks or so.  Now I’m back to normal and feeling good!


Not a whole lot, thankfully!  I’m feeling really good.  Less tired than several weeks ago, when come 7:30PM, I’d be dozing on the couch and not able to make it through one Netflix show (just recently got hooked on Walking Dead– NEVER thought that show would be up my ally but totally addicted).

My back has been aching a bit.  I’ve always had a bit of a back “thing,” over the years, precipitated by nothing out of the ordinary.  I could run a half marathon one day and it’s totally fine, and be doing cardio the next and it hurts for weeks.  Stretching and strength training usually help, but sometimes not.  Lately it’s been sore again, and I’m nervous that as I continue to put on weight, it might only get worse?  Trying to stick with exercise, stretching, and yoga to keep it feeling okay.

I’m currently in the awkward stage of “showing,” where I haven’t exactly popped yet, and it’s more of a “pregnant? or awkward?” situation.  Like, “has she had too many cookies?” or, “is she?”  It’s a weird stage for me.  People that know me can kind of sort of tell, but beyond that, it’s not really noticeable, and if I weren’t pregnant, my belly right now just sorta feels like… like I’m letting myself go.  I’m not in the stage that I’m excited to show off my bump with cute pregnancy clothes, more in the looking for flowy, loose tops that conceal the weirdness stage right now.  I’m just trying to go with it, and embrace the fact that this period is all normal, and a sign that my little M&M is growing bigger each day.


Hasn’t been so awesome over the last several weeks.  I can still sleep comfortably for the most part, and still on my tummy, but I’ve been waking up pretty regularly each night around 2 or 3AM, and I’m awake for a good hour or so, my mind going and going.  Also, I’ve been having some crazy dreams!

Looking Forward To…

“Popping” and there being no question that there really is a baby in there and not just extra treats!


I bought a few items of maternity clothing from Gap and Pink Blush Maternity on Black Friday that I’ll probably be able to bust out soon.  I’ve still been wearing all my regular clothes; some skinny jeans I just started wearing a belly band with.  Maternity clothes are SO expensive, just because they’re called “maternity?”  So I’m trying to pick a few essential things, a few fun things, and I’m fortunate that a good friend handed over a whole big bin of clothes for me to borrow, and, during the week I’m in scrubs for work, so it’s really just the weekends that I need to figure out clothes for!


Excited!  And just still in awe.  I can’t believe I’m actually growing a little human that will be here in the spring!


Yes!  Felt M&M move for the first time at week 19 and it was so exciting!  People kept telling me it feels like “flutters,” but I experienced it more like a “flick” or tap from the inside!  Kind of similar to popcorn in there!  I love feeling him or her move- it happens when I’m just hanging out relaxing.  Matt got to feel it (and I saw it!) for the first time this past week and that was so cool!

Anything Else

Started a registry the other day.  We walked in Babies R Us and promptly walked right out- so overwhelming in there!  Thankfully I have girlfriends who have recently registered to help in that department.  I’m also starting to look into childbirth classes and a breast-feeding class.

Did I mention how surreal this still all feels?!

Anyone else been pregnant or currently preggo and have any fun tidbits to share?

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